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Summer 2022

by Andrew Holloway December 05, 2022 1 min read

Unreife Chardonnay-Trauben bei Weingut Heußler.

Vintage 2022 - Early Summer Report

Update: Development in the vineyard is progressing quickly. In June the heat ensured that the flowers bloomed everywhere. In Baden, the cooperatives are initially expecting a decent profit. At the Heußler winery in Rhodt below Rietburg, the berry production is well advanced. Due to the cool, changeable weather during flowering, there was a drizzle. On the one hand, this means a reduction in yield, but also less compact grapes. This looseness leads to better air circulation, resulting in a lower risk of fungal infestation - a healthy prognosis. Small berries have a higher peel-to-fruit ratio - ideal for red wine. Mother Nature at work!