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Oberrotweil Grauburgunder QbA Baden 2020

Füllmenge: 750 ml |  €25,33 / L
Delivery time: 3 - 5 days.

"RS", or Reserve Salwey is a proprietary designation for Burgundy varieties in late harvest quality, always dry and always from top locations with old vines. The white wines are aged in large wooden barrels (80%) and in barriques (20%).

  • Farbe: white
  • Herkunft: Germany
  • Alkohol: 13% vol.
  • Verschluss: Naturkork
  • Allergene: contains sulfites
  • Abfüller: Salwey GbR, Kirchweg 11 Niederrotweil, 79235 Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl
  • Grape varieties: Grauburgunder